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​The Nutmeg German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc.


The Nutmeg German Shorthaired Pointer Club typically hosts two field trials, two hunt tests and two dog shows each year. Please use the navigation buttons to learn more about each event and to access a complete calendar of events for the year. You will find descriptions of each event, directions, premiums, entry forms, running orders, results, and other useful information on these pages.

Nutmeg GSP Club
GSP with Ribbons

Nutmeg GSP Club
GSP Retrieve

Nutmeg GSP Club
View of competition from atop a horse.

Nutmeg GSP Club
German Shorthaired Pointer on Point

Nutmeg GSP Club
Award Ribbons, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Nutmeg GSP Club
Gunners in Bird Field

Sunset at Flaherty, Nutmeg GSP Club
Sunset at Flaherty

Nutmeg GSP Club
Hunt Test Ribbon

Nutmeg GSP Club
Flaherty Field Trial Area Sign

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